Professional installation of residential or commercial asphalt pavements guarantees their longevity and functionality. But after some years, cracks, rutting, raveling, and potholes appear, and you must invest in paving repairs quickly. Indeed, crack filling, patching, and resurfacing when you notice surface defects saves you money and protects your pavements for many years.
Your driveway presents different issues that require paving repairs. You must know the specific pavement problem to help you choose an appropriate repair technique. Whether you opt for preventative, reactive, or emergency paving repair services, you must consult a professional paving repair service in advance.
Here are four types of asphalt paving repair techniques you must know.
1. Asphalt Removal And Replacement
The heavy impact from trucks can distress a specific section of your asphalt pavement. This leads to reflective cracking and pothole formation. To provide a lasting solution for such a problem, paving contractors recommend removal and replacement. This type of repair is more extensive but guarantees a lasting solution for cracked driveways or loading bays.
The peel and pave technique entails the removal of damaged asphalt layers, grinding the asphalt, and mixing it into new aggregate. Although the process is more elaborate than patching, it bolsters surface strength and eliminates frequent pavement repairs.
2. Full-Depth Repair
If your asphalt pavement disintegrates beyond the surface, full-depth paving repair offers the ideal solution. This technique fixes deep cracks, pavement failure, and distress before they turn your pavement into a mess of potholes. Full-depth paving repairs suffice when the damage reaches the base of your pavement. A paving contractor digs the foundation and reconstructs using reinforced aggregate. The full-depth technique is ideal where the pavement base has crumbled, and it increases the structural integrity of your pavements overall.
3. Asphalt Crack Filling
When small cracks appear on your asphalt pavement, they seem harmless, but they denote a bigger problem. These fissures are caused by vehicular activity, ground movement, and heavy foot traffic. Some cracks require the attention of a skilled paving contractor to detect the root cause of the problem. Linear, fatigue, or edge cracking degrades your asphalt pavement, and you need proper repairs to prevent recurrent cracking problems. Experienced paving repair contractors know the perfect remedy for different surface, slippage, or edge cracks on your pavement.
4. Surface Patching
If you need inexpensive asphalt repairs for slightly damaged areas, patching is the best alternative. This kind of repair fixes minor issues that occur within a few inches of the asphalt surface. A seasoned contractor patches your pavements if you experience small drainage issues. Indeed, you must address adhesion issues if you expect the patching technique to provide practical solutions.
For more information, reach out to a company like New England Paving.